JEREMEY RED EAGLE (level 1,2,3,4)
(Nakota Sioux) Jeremy has been deeply involved with many different tribe’s ceremonies and celebrations. He is often asked to travel great distances to assist with cultural events. Mr. Red Eagle works for the Helena Indian Alliance in many roles with youth programs, as well as assisting Helena School District with traditional Native events and activities. He offers thoughtful advice in planning sessions.

HANNAH HAS EAGLE (Level 1,2,3,4)
Hannah lives on the Fort Belknap Reservation and is a youth instructor.

DEEANNA BRADY-LEADER (level 1,2,3,4)
DeeAnna has been involved with the research and recovery of the traditional games since 1991. When working as an assistant principal at Browning Middle School, she and others brought back 20 games from written and oral history, and were played by Blackfeet youth. DeeAnna’s experience as a school administrator in Indian Education has been beneficial to "Indian Education for All" programs throughout Montana.

(Assiniboine) Kenneth "Tuffy"has a very old-time knowledge of his language and traditional ways that help him explain the educational purposes for the traditional games, making him a long-time advocate for the games to be utilized in all school curriculums. Growing up on the Fort Belknap reservation, Tuffy became the youngest fluent Nakoda speaker in a community with only about 25 fluent speakers left. His leadership as a youth starting round dances in the winter and bringing back powwows has left a mark on his community and continues to shape his influence with youth, adults, and elders today.

(Chippewa-Cree) Quincy is a mother of 3 and has been with the organization since 2005. She is a certified instructor for the Traditional Games.

(Blackfeet, Piikani) Mary Ellen's Blackfeet name is "Nawaksaaki". It means "Holy Plant Woman", (referring to the tobacco pods used in the Sundance). She was born in Browning, Montana, and is enrolled in the Blackfeet Tribe, in U.S.A., and the Piikani Nation, in Canada. She was raised in the tradition of her Grandparents, and teaches both, language and culture. Mary Ellen has been a teacher for I.T.G.S. since 2008. With a strong community spirit, Mary Ellen sings, and is dedicated to strengthening the entire Society!!