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"Native Games of Montana Tribes"
International Traditional Games Society
Instructor Certification


Individuals wishing to teach traditional games must complete our certification process.


There are three levels of certification, each requiring the previous level completion. After all three are completed, participants may teach traditional games as part of Montana's "Indian Education for All" curriculum for Grades K-12.    More....



Cajete, Greg. Spirit of the Game: Indigenous Wellsprings. Milwaukee: Kivaki Press, 2005.


Stewart Culin, Games of the North American Indians, Dover Publications


Indian Ed for All, Traditional Games Unit. Montana Office of Public Instruction


International Traditional Games Society

ITGS instructors have carried our mission to summer youth camps, local  and national events, and to workshops and presentations where participants, young and old, from varied jobs, religions, and
languages, learned lessons of interconnectedness with all beings and nature through play.


Contact us to send requests for presenters.

International Traditional Games Society
Special Events


Special games events resemble the best of community. They live in relationship to each other over great distances, in different cultures, and different languages. Events have formed a social ecology around our mission because they create passionate about the healing practices of play, the profound lessons for responsibility to others, and the values of interdependent relationships embedded in the games.
ITGS trainers can host special events for your organization.


Contact us to send requests for presenters.

International Traditional Games Society
Horse Culture


One of the greatest sources of pride is our rich traditions connected with the horse. Not only have Native youth been distanced from language and ceremony, many no longer have a relationship with a horse. Unless our children learn about the history, culture, and language that shaped their people, they will never really know themselves or their potential as “real people.” The spirit of the horse culture is taught in our horse clinics.

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